We are working hard to develop a number or more concrete ways to implement and realize our visions. Below is a list of some suggestions that we are working on.
Jord is a large scale book production project. We want to make a series of books/novels that identify and analyse different moments in the transition from a mono- to a panbiotic society. All serious contributions will be published and distributed globally. Send your book to jord@geopoetics.org,and please add a note about yourself and where you are active.
Sabelsand is a collaborative literary project. Everyone is invited to join. All serious contributions will be published in a bi-anual anthology and distributed globally. The idea is this: Together we shall imagine what adventures might be going on in a geocratic civilization. We shall write myths and stories about its inhabitants and envision what problems and obstacles they will face. Write shorter stories. Make up anecdotes. Focus on the details. Describe a certain people, a certain new form of communiction. Portray the transspecific rites of mountatin girls or describe the collaboration between the cloud tribe and their bird friends. Make up stories about new technology, about the forest and its language. Write about the new letter and sounds, about the fox. Let us know what happened when the Elk entered the cave of Lampidus, or show us the complicated structures of the riddles of worms. In the introductory chapter (available here) you can read some details about the world we are dealing with and use this as your point of departure. Send your chapter contributions to sabelsand@geopoetics.org. Please add a note about yourself and where you are active.
Hemlängtan (sv. the longing home) is an art project envisioned to help imagine a geocratic civilization. Everybody is welcome to join. When we have enough images we will collect and publish them in a book and make a large exhibition (presumably in Venice). We are imagining a civilization with a history very similar to our own. Yet with one important difference: as a consequence of its animistic-shintoistic-pantheistic inheritance, people treat all sentient beings as ends in themselves. Imagine a world developed without the influence of monotheism and the monopoly of miracles, as Burroughs puts it. What would that world look like? What would the buildings be like? What forms of communication would there be? What would we eat? What technology would there be? Use any means and medium: sculpture, models, drawings, movies, graphic novels, digital oil. Send your art to hemlangtan@geopoetics.org. Please, add a little note about yourself and where you are active.
Project Dolittle is an art and research project aimed to understand, explore and develop interspecies communication. At this site we gather all information available about how humans and non-humans share their experiences of what it means to be a sentient being. The purpose of this site is to learn and inform about how interspecies communication has been, is and should be understood. Please visit http://Projectdolittle.org